Ethical fashion textile products can be defined as the production and use of products without harming the environment, people, or other living things, using as few chemicals as possible, respecting human and animal rights, and displaying a fair and environmentally friendly attitude.

Ethical fashion criticizes the purchase and use of unnecessary textile products. Ethical fashion includes organic produce, fair trade, sustainable clothing use, and vegan production. Now let’s see what these are.

Organic Product

Many chemicals are used in clothing production, and these chemicals cause serious damage to the environment. Organic products do not harm human health or the environment because they are produced without using any chemicals.

Fair Trade

Fair trade advocates fairness and equality during trade. It is against gender discrimination, violations of human, worker, and child rights, and harming the environment. Businesses that give due importance to these values can obtain a fair trade certificate by meeting certain conditions.

Vegan Production

No animal material is used during production. It is also against the violation of animal rights and the use of animals as test subjects. Recently, vegan preferences have become widespread and are reflected in textile production.