Common Problems

Environmental problems such as climate change, desertification, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, depletion of the ozone layer, air, water, and soil pollution, hazardous and plastic waste, and sea and ocean pollution endanger the health of humans and other animals.

Environment and Ecosystem Description

The environment is the physical, biological, social, economic, and cultural environment in which people and other living things maintain their relationships and interact throughout their lives. In simple terms, the environment is all living and non-living beings.

Ecosystems are environmental systems that contain living beings and non-living beings such as soil, air, and water that have characteristics such as nutrition, respiration, reproduction, and movement in a certain region and that establish mutual relationships with each other and create continuity.

Nature and Human Relationships

Nature creates the living space for all living things, especially humans. These areas consist of natural systems called the atmosphere (air sphere), hydrosphere (water sphere), lithosphere (lithosphere), and biosphere (living sphere). People have to live in harmony with the natural environment in order to survive.

However, the natural environment, climate, water resources, landforms, soil, and other characteristics differ in different regions. Livelihoods and lifestyles have emerged. This situation causes people’s basic and economic needs, such as nutrition, clothing, shelter, and social activities, to differ.

For example, people living in cold climate regions consumed fatty and protein-rich foods and preferred thick and fur clothing. While people lived a life dependent on nature in previous times, their knowledge has increased over time, and they have had a greater say in nature with technological developments.

They have had effects that have changed the natural environment in line with their own needs. He built bridges, tunnels, and viaducts on unsuitable land. By building dams and ponds, they also affected the living things in that region.

But this has both positive and negative effects. In addition, misuse of agricultural lands or destruction of vegetation has increased the risk of erosion. Especially after the industrial revolution, technological developments and the increase in the human population have increased human intervention in nature.