Sustainable consumption means the use of goods and services that meet basic needs and offer a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources, waste emissions of toxic substances, and environmental pollutants from a life cycle perspective, taking into account the needs of future generations. The aim is to protect our resources and natural life.

According to research, there are many underlying reasons for unnecessary shopping: feeling spiritual hunger, feeling obliged to follow fast fashion, advertisements, posts on social media, etc. All these reasons constantly encourage people to buy a new product and, over time, make people part of the consumption frenzy.

Sustainable consumption goals?

  1. Being sensitive to the environment: buy biodegradable cleaning products such as detergent and shampoo, clothes made of natural materials, and products with biodegradable packaging.
  2. Unnecessary Purchases: Don’t forget to create a list of needs before shopping. This way, you won’t buy any products you don’t actually need! It is also important not to replace our existing items with new ones until they become unusable. Moreover, if we do not buy more food and beverages than we can consume, neither our economy nor the environment will be negatively affected!
  3. Savings: We should use energy-saving white goods, electronic devices that consume less electricity, energy-saving light bulbs and avoid unnecessary water/electricity use.
  4. Recycling: We should recycle garbage into plastic, glass, and tin.
  5. Reducing the use of harmful fuels: We should use environmentally friendly vehicles such as electric cars. We have to use scooters and bicycles to travel long distances.

Plastic Pollution: How Much Damage Does It Cause?

The permanent pollution caused by plastic waste remaining from products used in bags and food and beverage packaging and remaining undissolved in nature for a long time is called plastic pollution.

Plastics thrown into the sea may be found as microplastics in the stomach or other parts of the fish’s body. It can cause the death of many living creatures.

In order to reduce plastic pollution, we should throw products made from this material into recycling bins after use. We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for our grocery shopping.

Here are some options to consider when grocery shopping that is plastic-free and sustainable:

  • Use Shopping Bags for Yourself
  • Use Refill Points
  • Buy Fruits and Vegetables Unpackaged
  • Prefer Glass or Cardboard Bottle and Boxed Products
  • Use Refillable Water Bottles.
  • Bring Your Own Coffee
  • Use Sustainable Cleaning Products
  • Prefer Large Packaging in Sales
  • Choose Reusable Products
  • Check Labels and Certifications

Sustainable Shopping Cycle: Second Hand

The economic nature of second-hand clothes or goods also allows us to re-evaluate items that are still usable but have been discarded. Thus, it reduces consumption and causes us to produce less waste.

If you donate your second-hand items to an association or foundation that works for the benefit of society, they will continue the sustainable cycle by selling these items in their own stores at very affordable prices and transferring the income to social assistance.

 Don’t Buy! Swap!

Every year, we set aside a lot of more or less used items that we can no longer use or that are of no use to us. We can exchange these items in the markets where we will barter, or we can donate to non-governmental organizations for this purpose. We can exchange our books with our friends.

Produce Instead of Consumption with DIY Projects!

Now, instead of classic home decorations, you can make new and different products by using different objects and materials from your waste or old items for purposes other than their intended purpose. You can create wonderful products with many different materials and items, from plastic bottles to cans, from plastic spoons to old wooden stairs.

We also need to address our consumer habits that harm nature in the long run. When creating a shopping list, a conscious consumer asks himself, “Do we really need this, or are we just buying it because we want it?” Meets their needs by asking these kinds of questions.

Sustainable Shopping Suggestions:

– Prefer Bulk Purchasing

– Research Eco-Friendly Brands

– Reduce Packaging Usage

– Think Twice and Question Before Buying

– Prefer Local Brands

– Redesign-Use

– Donate or Sell Your Unused Clothes

– Are Important Days Coming Up? Rent Instead of Buying

– Support ‘Conscious’ Clothing

– Wash Sustainably

Alternatives to Shopping – Thematic and Ecological Parks:

Zoos and adventure parks located in the forest are thematic parks that children love very much. They spend an adventurous day in nature with activities such as high rope course, climbing wall, giant swing and zipline.