Sustainability means leaving a world that can sustain economic, environmental, and social conditions for future generations while ensuring the continuity of daily life and development. Sustainable development aims to meet today’s needs while also meeting the accessible and clean energy needs of future generations and aims to prevent problems such as the depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution, and social inequality.
The concept of sustainability is generally considered in three dimensions:
Environmental protection: It is aimed at protecting natural resources, reducing environmental pollution, and preventing environmental problems such as climate change and biodiversity.
Social development: Meeting the basic needs of individuals in society and improving their quality of life is important for sustainability.
Economic growth: It is necessary to ensure economic growth and production activities.
Sustainable Development Goals
1- Ending poverty
2 – Ending hunger
3 – Healthy and quality life
4 – Qualified education
5 – Gender equality
6 – Clean water and sanitation
7 – Accessible and clean energy
8 – Decent work and economic growth
9 – Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
10 – Reducing inequalities
11 – Sustainable cities and communities
12 – Responsible production and consumption
13 – Climate action
14- Life in water
15 – Terrestrial life
16 – Peace, justice, and strong institutions
17 – Partnerships for purposes
The delicate balance between the protection of the ecological environment and economic development should be established in a way that supports both environmental and social development and economic development.