It is very important that the houses we live in are ecologically sustainable for energy efficiency and use clean energy.

The houses we live in must have systems that will save energy and water. The use of solar panels and solar cells mounted on the roofs of houses and systems that generate electricity from solar energy and hot water is becoming increasingly common. We must use the heat pump system to meet the heating needs. You can also meet the water needs of your home by harvesting the rainwater that falls on these panels.

Smart thermostats: Smart thermostats keep the temperature of your home at the desired values ​​by connecting to the internet via smartphone, tablet and computer when we leave the house with a motion sensor.

Let’s give examples of ecological houses produced in this style

Passive Houses: Well-insulated and air-tight passive houses are passively heated by heat-producing electrical devices and solar energy systems, minimizing energy losses. It also has a system that requires the collection of rainwater and the reuse of wastewater.

Heliotrope House: A solar house that follows the angle of incidence of the sun and rotates 180 degrees to maximize solar energy efficiency. It produces five times the energy it consumes with solar panels.