People must continue their lives by taking into account the needs of future societies. That’s why we need to raise awareness by warning ourselves and the people around us to act consciously on this issue.
By implementing these behaviors in our daily lives, we will prevent waste, save energy, release fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and reduce the pressure on global warming and climate change. We can contribute to recycling by reducing our waste.
Here are the things we can do as a family and individually to protect the environment:
1- Reducing our amount of waste by using single-use plastics
2 – Preferring environmentally friendly clothes,
3 – Turn off unused lights,
4 – Washing the dishes without running them through water, and when the machine is fully loaded,
5 – Using more public transportation,
6 – Increasing the use of recycling,
7 – Trying to repair broken items instead of throwing them away immediately,
8 – Paying bills online,
9 – Using a water-saving shower head,
10 – Taking short baths and showers,
11- Do not leave the water on for a long time,
12 – Going to close distances by walking or cycling,
13 – Growing some plants we need on the balconies of our houses and watering them at night,
14 – Spending less time with computers and smartphones,
15 – Sleeping early at night,
16 – Making vinegar at home from fruits such as apples,
17 – Conscious use of air conditioning; opening the blinds when there is sunlight; not adjusting excessive heat or cold,
18 – Using water economically for brushing teeth, cleaning hands, face and feet,
19 – Repairing leaky taps and machines,
20 – Collecting waste oils,
21- Washing our car less often,
22 – Making compost from waste plants.